Road Rash Reviews

The Howling 2017 Review

Cert 18 | 85 mins | 2017

4 Star
An Urban Myth a Mad Scientist and Inquisitive Teens.
What more does a horror film need. Greenway Entertainment (Essex Boys: Law of Survival) knows that it is an urban myth and a few inquisitive teens and a spooky wooded area. The film is based on those old grainy horrors from around the 1930’s such as Frankenstein and the Mummy, the…more

The Saga of Anatahan (1953) Review ****-

Cert 12 | 92 mins | 1953-1958

4 Star
Discipline is Everything
or You have
Josef von Sterberg (The Last Command, Shanghai Express) was a man who threw himself at his passions of writing, directing and capturing on cine-film his script and the visuals he saw in his minds-eye. A film based on real WWII events that took place in the vast area of the Pacific Ocean. This was filmed…more

12 Angry Men HD Edition Review *****

Cert PG | 96 mins | 1957

5 Star
A Life In Their Hands.
When you talk about Classic Films you have to add Sidney Lumet‘s (Dog Day Afternoon, Murder on the Orient Express, The Hill, The Iceman Cometh) 12 Angry Men to that list and it has to be arguably near the top of that list. The Criterion Collection has taken this Classic and given it their star…more

Memories of Underdevelopment Review ****-

Cert 15 | 97 mins | 1968

4 Star
Love, Loss and Nuclear Destruction.
This film is number fifty-four in Derek Malcolm‘s 100 greatest movies, and now it has been fully restored and comes in Blu-ray crispness. It tells the tale of post Bay of Pigs Cuba and the events leading up to the Cuban missile crisis in the early 1960’s. Part film, part documentary it makes you feel…more

The Killing of America Review ****-

Cert E 18 | 115 mins | 1981

4 Star
Death on the Streets.
Sheldon Renan (Treasure: In Search of the Golden Horse) brings us a brutal documentary about the decline of America in the 1960’s-70’s and the meteoric rise of gun crime.
This documentary has never been released in the United States and graphically shows the bloodyness of real life gun crime. The only censorship in this film is…more

Early Murnau – Five Films 1921-1925 Review ****-

Cert PG | 433 mins | 1921-1925

4 Star
Drama, Intrigue and Inter-titles.
Eureka bring us #140-144 in their Masters of Cinema’s collection taking us all the way back to the roaring 20’s (1920’s that is), they bring us 5 of the early surviving films of Murnau (Nosferatu). All painstakingly restored with the inter-titles translated from the original German. The films are Schloβ Vogelöd, Phantom, Die Finanzen des groβherzogs,…more

Paths of Glory Blu-ray Release *****

Cert PG | 88 mins | 1957/8

5 Star
Early Stanley Kubrick Genius!
Paths of Glory is hitting the small screen, as we hit the 100th Anniversary of the start of the First World War.
Beautifully restored this 1957 Black and White War film shows the struggles of the French army against the Hun, fought across the no-man’s land where a hundred yards gain may take 100,000 men, but…more

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