Road Rash Reviews

Lucky Number Slevin Digital Review ****-

Cert 18 | 110 mins | 2006

4 Star
Revenge is Best Served Very Cold.
Successful writer Jason Smilovic (Condor (TV Series), My Own Worst Enemy (TV Series)) writes his first feature length film story, he brings us a twisty tale of what happens when you owe the big bosses lots of money. Director Paul McGuigan (Wicker Park, Victor Frankenstein) gets to direct the cream of the crop back…more

97 Minutes Digital Review ***--

Cert 15 | 93 mins | 2023

3 Star
Terror in the Stratosphere.
Actor/writer Pavan Grover (Pavan Grover, Lakeeran the Destiny) brings us a disaster movie at 35,000 ft. But 97 Minutes is not your run-of-the-mill disaster movie, as it comes with a few twists and turns within the fuselage of a 767. Directed by Timo Vuorensola (Iron Sky, Iron Sky: The Coming Race) who keeps a tight grip…more

Supercell Digital Release Review ****-

Cert 12 | 100 mins | 2023

4 Star
Atmospheric Action.
Herbert James Winterstern writes and directs his first feature film, with this action film in the wide open spaces of Tornado alley. He pulls in a big name in the form of Alec Baldwin (The Departed, Glengarry Glen Ross) to play the big bad boss. Sit back and watch the thrills and spills in Supercell.
Bill (Richard Gunn, Clemency,…more

Bad City Digital Review ****-

Cert 18 | 118 mins | 2022

4 Star
Hate, Greed and Blunt Force Trauma.
From stuntman, to choreographer, to action director, now Kensuke Sonomura (Hydra, Nowhere Man) directs action icon Hitoshi Ozawa (Score 2: The Big Fight, Shoot, My Darlin’), in this dark tale of corruption, Yakuza, and Korean Mafia and a man on a mission. Bad City is a complex story leading to mass brawls with amazing…more

The Vanished Digital Review ****-

Cert 15 (TBC) | 88 mins | 2021

4 Star
What Would You Do to Save Your Son.
The Vanished comes from the pen of Peter May, ‘The Killing Room’ (High Road (TV Series)), and adapted for the screen by French director Denis Dercourt (My Children Are Different, Tomorrow at Dawn), which explains this Transcontinental crime thriller. A complex forensic tale, as police try to find the mystery murderers.
While looking…more

Project Skyquake Blu-ray Review *****

Cert TBC | 72 mins | 2022

5 Star
Feel the Fear of Wide Open Spaces.
Once more, Hungarian writer/director József Gallai (I Hear the Trees Whispering, A Guidebook to Killing Your Ex, The Poltergeist Diaries, Moth) thinks outside the box when it comes to the genre he decides to work in. Project Skyquake is filmed in the found footage style that József does so well. This time he…more

Spiritwalker Digital Release Review ****-

Cert 15 | 108 mins | 2021

4 Star
The Search for the Right Soul in Seoul.
Trinity Cine Asia brings us the winner of 20th New York Asian Film Festival, Daniel Craft Award for Excellence in Action Cinema. Spiritwalker, written and directed by relative newcomer Jae-geun Yoon (Heartbeat). But what he brings is top-notch action Gun-fu thriller. It will keep you on the edge of your seat, as…more

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