Road Rash Reviews

Candlestick Review ****-

Cert 15 tbc | 83 mins | 2014

4 Star Murder Mystery Old Style.
From the young British Director | Writer | Producer | Editor | Sound department | Soundtrack | Cinematographer | Camera and Electrical Department | Editorial department | Miscellaneous Crew Christopher Presswell (Forget Paris), who will do anything it seems to ply his trade as a director and filmmaker, comes his second film Candlestick, written by András…more

Bodom VOD and DVD Review ****-

65 mins | 2015

4 stars for this stylish and clever psychological horror.
On June 4th, 1960, four teenagers went camping to Lake Bodom in Finland. All but one were killed by dawn.
Winter 2009, Anniki Jokinen and Pietari Niskala, media students of the University of Rovaniemi, chose the 1960 tragedy for their thesis.
Bodom is written and directed by József Gallai and Gergö Elekes and is Hungary’s first found…more

54 Days VOD Review

Cert Unknown | 84 mins | 2014

4 Stars of what would you do to stay Alive!
Written and directed by Tim Lea, writer, producer and actor. He has been writing for twelve years and has produced shorts such as Nursery Cry’mes and Easy Money. This film is brought to the big screen via the very difficult route of crowdfunding, which he set about himself. “But if anyone…more

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