4 stars for the conclusion to this beautiful time travelling adventure.
Eureka Seven Astral Ocean tells the story of Ao Fukai and the battle to save the Earth from the Scub Corals and the Secrets.
Still working as a member of the Pied Piper Team, a mecha unit of Generation Bleu, Ao is rocked by the surprise reappearance of his long lost mother, Eureka and the potential complications this could cause.
It begins to become apparent that no-one is who they first appeared to be, as revelations abound. Truth and Naru seem to develop an unexpected bond, and as the Scub Coral plants begin to reactivate all over the world, the stakes are raised ever higher.
Public opinion sways against Generation Bleu as it emerges that they have been stock-piling quartz without anyone’s knowledge or permission. And when it turns out that the quartz can in fact operate as a weapon which can change history, hostilities between Generation Bleu and the Allies reach an all time high, the race is on to gain control of the Quartz Gun and it is up to the children of Pied Piper to deal with the situation.
It is a strange one this, I found the first part of the series a little bit disappointing, but this is much better. There is far more action and humour and the whole thing is much more enjoyable once all of the characters have been established.
The story-line is far more complex than it first appeared and I found the ending genuinely surprising. However, given that this, although it is a sequel, is actually set 10,000 years before Eureka Seven, I suppose if you saw the original it is probably fairly obvious what has to happen to maintain the time line.
Included on the second disc is a highly entertaining OVA entitled “The Flowers Of The Jungfrau joch” which is nothing to do with the story, but offers some excellent cosplay/cross dressing light relief from the story.
As with the first part, the animation is stunning, colourful, whimsical and full of detail, a real joy to watch. Although it is occasionally a little bit confusing, Eureka Seven AO is certainly worth adding to your collection.
“Hear the cry of the children of the stars”
Eureka Seven AO Part 2 is available to buy now on DVD.