Road Rash Reviews

Bad City Digital Review****-

Cert 18 | 118 mins | 2022

4 Star

Hate, Greed and Blunt Force Trauma.

From stuntman, to choreographer, to action director, now Kensuke Sonomura (Hydra, Nowhere Man) directs action icon Hitoshi Ozawa (Score 2: The Big Fight, Shoot, My Darlin’), in this dark tale of corruption, Yakuza, and Korean Mafia and a man on a mission. Bad City is a complex story leading to mass brawls with amazing choreography, that makes you wonder if anyone made it out alive. Justice is Brutal.


Hitoshi Ozawa (Shoot My Darlin’, Boiling Point), Mitsu Dan (BraveStorm), Lily Franky (Shoplifters, Like Father, Like Son), Hideto Katsuya (Mrs. Scarlet Rose, Kamen Rider), Masanori Mimoto (First Love, Bushido Man), Akane Sakanoue (Ultraman X), Tak Sakaguchi (Versus), Rino Katase (Tokyo Bordello) and Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi (Kamen Rider Kabuto: God Speed Love)

The Japanese city of Kaiko is a lawless city, despite the valiant efforts of the police forces. The city is run by the outlaws, the Yakuza, and the Korean Mafia are trying to move in. In amongst all this is one happy man, the CEO of Gojo Conglomerate Watary Gojo has just been acquitted of bribery and collusion. Gojo may be happy, but the Prosecutor General Hirayama is not happy with this result, he believes that Gojpo is rotten to the core.

I’ll expose you!

Later that same night, a man approaches a Yakuza bathhouse. When the security step in front of him he quickly dispatches them with his trusty knife and makes way for a well-dressed man who proceeds inside. He is Kim Seung-gi and what ensues next can only be described as a bloodbath, as he gets to his quarry, the head of the Sakurada Yakuza family.

The police find the bodies of the Sakurada family strewn all around the bathhouse, and the boss minus his hand, which was used to open the safe in his office, which is also a crime scene, as is his personal family. Someone is looking for something, and the main suspect is the only one still alive, the first Lieutenant Kunio.

Hirayama and public safety official Koizumi want to put together a new Division Zero, a secret force to get to the bottom of this series of crimes. All this as Gojo steps down as CEO of his conglomerate and announces that he is to run for Mayor, to make the city prosperous and successful.

Hirayama takes Lieutenant Satoshi Kumamoto, Lieutenant Ryota Nishizaki, Newbie LieutenantMagumi Nohara, and the currently incarcerated Captain Makoto Torada. Hirayama grants Torada a temporary bail to lead Division Zero, find all the dirt on Gojo and find out who is killing the Yakuza and whatever they are looking for.

What’s he like, your old boss?

He’s foul-mouthed, violent, with no sense of propriety, and he likes to intimidate.

He sounds the perfect guy.

This is the story of Division Zero, as they take on the vast numbers of criminals in Kaiko City. Bad City is Action Packed, with bone crunching fights, and amazing knife skills. Bad City is a must for action fans and Martial Arts fans of your home.

Bad City is available on Digital


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DirectorKensuke Sonomura
GenreAction, Drama, Crime, Martial Arts